Friday, February 17, 2012

How hard it is to follow instructions?

People don’t like to be instructed; therefore it leads them into going in a different position when being told to do something because they perceive instructions as an order and that make them look inferior to their subordinates as they are defined by nature.
Husband to wife” serve my food hot from the pot, otherwise I will deal with you” in these instance, wife can use micro-oven to warm food as an alternative to serve warm food, yet husband does not approve that and she does feel ordered around because it means that if her husband will come home in the middle of the night so she had to wake up and cook for him.
Another aspect that might lead to disobeying instructions could be the relationship between the involved counterparts and what kind of relationship do they have to deliver on instructed duties as It sound like you are forced to do whatever given to as if you don’t have a choice or other alternative. It makes me feel that people are always after whatever they want and Sometimes life throws everything in your face and you still got to get up.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting view, nice one. Indeed following instructions can come with pressure and challenges sometimes the way people give instructions does affect the outcomes.
