Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time or Money?


People are still stuck up with the old saying “Time is money”. Well I would like to differ with that. In my personal outlook, we will forever exchange our precious time for money that does not determine the sentimental value time has; it still remain our most humble asset than money. 

We can spend money to improve our health and hence extend our lives, but money cannot reclaim lost time. On the other hand, time can be used to regain lost money. And so, time and money are not compatible. Therefore, time is not money and money is not time.

We are alive for a very short period of time. Some of us have less time than others, and most of us do not know how much time we have left. Our time cannot be replaced; as a result our time is our most limited resource. For that reason, time is our most valuable asset, so use your time wisely.

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