Friday, March 2, 2012

What is the colour of the wind?

When the question come in mind, we all look around and ask ourselves, what do they mean when they ask about the colour of the wind? It does not have any visible colour effects but the work that is does is incredible and marvellous.

The colour of wind is the feeling and our conscious minds that automatically prepare the body when it’s windy (movement of trees), as you will know what to do without being told. Wind is nature no one can go against or try to put a colour to it. It is one of god’s miraculous works, like love, you can feel but not see or touch. Land and sea we don’t know where it starts and where it end or how was it created? That is the nature we must nurture.

Let’s love, appreciate our nature.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed we cannot see the color of the wind with the naked eye yet our mind creates a picture for us. Don't forget to write God with a capital letter.
