Friday, March 23, 2012

Do ex-convicts deserve a second chance?

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With a criminal record on your curriculum vitae and served prison sentence must be difficult to find employment. I believe that everyone is entitled to find employment or be given a second chance in life.

I strongly believe in giving someone a second chance, ex con’s always find it hard to settle back in the communities as they will have to earn their trust back and make them believe that they have changed.

Finding a job is another big hassle, management always want to protect their existing employees interest as it would be hard to hire a person who served under a violent crime, there’s a chance of that person might still be volatile. Someone who is a financial offender or embezzled money will not come as an asset in the company as it will be risky to hire them in the financial positions as the risk of being tempted is too high.

On a general statement, ex-con’s have the potential to be extra dedicated and motivated employees who can be grateful to their employers who might have taken a chance on them.

First thing to remember is that each individual is different and must be treated as an individual not just simply an ex-con. This people might have accumulated educational, vocal skills and growth when or before prison that could be an asset to the company or community. Nature of the crime also needs to be examined as in when the date of the sentenced was served for employment purposes.

We all deserve a second chance when we do wrong, why not also grant it to the ex-convicts as they might have changed during their sentence.

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